How fat can you get

How fat can you get? (The Truth) 7 Things that Make you Fat

The question of how fat someone can get has been a popular topic for centuries. There are many factors that determine the maximum weight a person could reach, including their height and body type. Historically the heaviest a human has ever weighed has been around 1,400 pounds. 

This article will explore what it takes to be as heavy as possible while still alive and why some people have trouble reaching this goal. It will also discuss whether there is an upper limit on how much mass a human body can carry before collapsing under its weight. 

To understand this topic, we’ll first have to look at how heavy the largest human has managed to get. 

What is the heaviest human being?

The heaviest man ever recorded in history was Jon Brower Minnoch from Washington. He weighed 1,400 pounds (635 kg) at his peak and died on the 10th of September 1983.

Now, you’re probably wondering… 

Who is the current heaviest person alive today?

At present, the heaviest person alive, according to Guinness World Records, is Juan Pedro Franco. 

There have been plenty that has earned this title over the years. Some of them were famous because of their weight, while others didn’t achieve fame until their weight peaked. The world has seen obese men and women at every level that you can imagine from all ages, races, occupations, and countries worldwide.

However, the common factor contributing to their progressively increasing weight gain has always been lack of physical activity and taking in excessive amounts of calories.


Being fat is not easy. It can be socially isolating and doesn’t allow for many activities that people take for granted when they are slim. For example, sitting in a movie theater seat or riding on an airplane may prove difficult if you’re a very large person. 

Although there aren’t any hard rules about how much weight you can gain before it becomes unhealthy, gaining more than 100 pounds within one year is cause for concern, leading to the next point. 

How do people get fat?

There are many reasons why persons may get fat. But here are the top reasons:

Lack of Physical Activity or Exercise 

Did you know that your body burns a lot more calories when it is active? When you don’t exercise, your body still burns a lot of energy throughout the day. However, it doesn’t burn as much as recommended if you aren’t physically active. 

So if you don’t do any physical activity for a long time and keep consuming more calories than you naturally burn daily, you will keep gaining weight.

Eating Quickly

With the fast-paced society we live in, people don’t have time to cook their meals at home. Unfortunately, this leads to eating more unhealthy food such as your common fast foods. 

The most common fast foods include hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, French fries, and pizza slices. However, some people also use the term to describe all types of ready-made meals, including frozen dinners or even healthy foods and snacks like smoothies and energy bars.

If you’re an overweight person, there is no getting around this fact: fast food is fattening. It’s convenient, and it tastes good. However, regular consumption of fast food can lead to all kinds of health problems, including heart disease and diabetes, and primarily putting on more weight!

Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is a substance that most people don’t consume enough of. Many dietitians will tell you to drink at least 2 liters per day, and the majority of people fall short on this recommendation by far. 

This downside is mainly because most diets are too high in calories (especially carbohydrates), making us eat less water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. 

Also, many non-diet soft drinks contain large amounts of sugar instead of water, so you might think you are consuming enough fluids when you are mostly consuming sugars. And excess sugar consumption leads to more fat. 

The bottom line is that not drinking enough water can cause dehydration. Dehydration makes your body hold onto the extra fluids it’s getting from food because it thinks you will die of thirst. This reduces how fast you lose weight and increases your water weight. 

Being Too Social

Socializing is fantastic, but there are times when it can cause problems. If you spend all of your time with others instead of working out or eating right, you could gain weight.

There’s a lot of talk about how social media is making you fat but has anyone ever explained why that is? 

Consider this fact:

Social media takes time. Time away from your favorite shows, time away from the gym, and time away from eating right. Some people might argue that social media sites have benefits such as helping to relieve depression or providing information on health issues. It isn’t something that will help you lose weight if being too social makes you fat in the first place.

Not Having Time to Relax

Not having enough time to relax can lead to stress eating. When you’re stressed, you crave foods that are high in carbohydrates and fat, like potato chips or ice cream.

Obese people can use meditation, exercise, and other healthy alternatives for dealing with this problem. But if you don’t have enough time to spend on these things, you won’t do it, so you become stuck in this cycle.

Eating From Large Plates and Bowls

How do large plates make you fat? They promote eating too much. It’s common sense really, the larger a plate is, the more food it can hold and hence the more food you can eat from that plate. Large bowls also have this effect.

I know you’re probably skeptical. Right?

But you can check out this study that proved that larger bowl sizes led to increased calory consumption.  

You always have to remember that the size of the plates and bowls you use can make a huge difference in the number of calories you consume. So if you want to keep your calorie consumption low, use smaller plates and bowls. 

Eating while watching TV or Social Media.

Eating while watching the TV is very common. It’s a fun way to spend some time with friends or family, and it’s a great way to catch up on your favorite show. If you eat while watching TV, do you know how this can affect your weight?


Eating while watching television can make you eat more. Cornell University found that people who distractedly ate while watching TV ate significantly faster and consumed more food than those who didn’t watch TV while eating.

Drinking Your Calories

As you may already know or are beginning to find out the hard way, drinking calories is a very bad idea. I won’t bore you with all the science of it all because, well … It’s boring. 

Let me give you an example:

Let’s say we have two people weighing 80 kg, and one drinks 1000mls of coke every day in addition to their meals while the other eats 2000 calories worth of food each day (that’s about 3 square meals for us, non-metric folks). After one month, our drinker who weighed in at 80 kg will weigh 81 kg while our dieter who weighed that same 80 kg after a month will only weigh 79 kg!

This result is inevitable because the average person automatically burns 2000+ calories each day. So if you aren’t overconsuming, as in the dieter’s case, you will be balanced off instead of having excess calories that transform into more weight, as in the case of the person drinking coke every day. 

Which foods make you fat?

There are many foods that, if consumed regularly, will contribute to you becoming overweight. Some of these include but are not limited to pizza, steak, and fried chicken. Here is a list of some very common food culprits that may be making you fat:

  • Ice Cream
  • Cookies
  • French Fries
  • Peanut Butter
  • Milk
  • Red Meat
  • Breads
  • Cereal Bars
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Pasta

Eating any single serving of these foods won’t instantly make you fat. However, you’ll want to keep an eye on your consumption of each of these as overeating any could lead to substantial weight gain. 

How fast can someone get fat?

The answer to this depends on a variety of factors. If you are talking about how long it takes for someone to get fat, then the time can vary from person-to-person. For some, it takes about a week. For others, several weeks or months.

The most important factors that affect your weight gain include genes, environment, and hormones. However, other variables, such as exercise habits (or lack thereof) and dieting habits, may also impact how fast you can potentially put on some pounds. 

How much fat can a person gain in a day?

While it may be a myth that you can gain 5lbs of fat in one day, you can definitely put on weight very quickly. In a day, you can gain about one ounce of fat. An ounce of fat translates to about 360 calories. And if you do this every day for many years, that will amount to plenty of pounds of weight. This is the price you pay for bingeing on junk food and then not being able to burn off those calories.

What happens if you eat 500 calories in one day?

Many people ask this question because they are worried that eating 500 calories in one day will make them lose so much weight. The answer to that you might not even lose any weight if you were to eat less than 1000 calories each day for many days in a row. 

You won’t lose weight because your body will start storing energy and reduce how much energy it uses. You’d have to keep up with eating like that for an entire month or at least two weeks before you start seeing any noticeable weight loss.